Fancy Step Cut Diamonds: Kites, Shields, Triangle Step Cut, & Rhomboids

Explore the captivating world of Fancy Step Cut diamonds, featuring unique shapes like kites, shields, and triangles. Discover how these unconventional cuts blend traditional faceting with imaginative design for a truly distinctive sparkle.

The Unique Appeal of Unconventional Step Cut Diamonds

While we can’t deny the beauty of the reigning step cuts- like emeralds, asschers, and baguettes, it’s always fun to get your hands on a less common beauty. There’s something so classic about step cut faceting, that sometimes it allows a little room for playfulness. And when done right, a fancy step cut can combine both uniqueness and traditionalism together in beautiful harmony.

Some fancy step cut options include kites, shields, triangles, and even rhomboids. Kites are exactly what they sound like, and typically the shape of what diamonds are in when drawn on a piece of paper. They come down to a sharp straight point at the “bottom”, unlike the shield shape which has added levels of angled edges.

And let’s not forget about our elementary shapes, right? Step cuts can occur in triangles too. Super uncommon but potentially just as extraordinary as the rest. The stunners have the same imagery of downward step but on three sides of the stone. Rhomboids have the same style going on, but in a off center, leaning rectangle kind of way.

We think the combo of an out of the box shape with step cut faceting is insanely cool. A perfect balance of impish and refined.